Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)

Photograph of the MGS Mars Orbiter Camera.

The Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) science investigation used 3 instruments: a narrow angle camera that obtained grayscale (black-and-white) high resolution images (typically 1.5 to 12 m per pixel) and red and blue wide angle cameras for context (240 m per pixel) and daily global imaging (7.5 km per pixel). MOC operated in Mars orbit between September 1997 and November 2006. It returned more than 240,000 images spanning portions of 4.8 Martian years.

Launch: 7 November 1996 Mars Orbit Insertion: 12 September 1997 Last Contact: 2 November 2006


MOC Images (and other Mars images) with Captions

Preparing MGS MOC for Mars

"A scientist's fight to send his camera to Mars," by Andrew Chaikin,, 23 June 2000

MOC Image Data Gallery

MOC Atlas of Mars

MOC 2002 Weather Reports

MOC Weather Reports for Mars Exploration Rovers and Beagle 2

Images Acquired through MOC Public Target Request Program

Mars Landing Sites and Guest Observer Images

MOC Images Prepared for Educator Use

MOC Scientific Papers

MOC Extended Conference Abstracts


NASA/JPL Mars Exploration Home Page NASA/JPL Mars Global Surveyor Home Page