View looking East down Wright Valley from
South Fork (Cirque 6)
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View looking South across Asgard
Range from Upper Wright Valley
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View looking West towards Upper
Wright Glacier (middle right)
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View North across Olympus Range
(Mt. Circe and Dido)
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View towards Canada and
Commonwealth Glaciers
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Lake Hoare, Canada
Glacier, Lake Fryxll, Commonwealth Glacier
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Canada, Suess, and
Lacroix Glaciers and Lake Hoare
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This movie shows a high speed flight east through the central Wright Valley. It passes Lake Vanda to the south before it approaches the Goodspeed, Hart, Meserve, and Bartley Glaciers.
Movie panning from west to north to
east in Upper Wright Valley
MPEG = 168 KBytes
This movie shows a pan from west to east. Starting in the west and moving north, you see, sequentially, the Upper Wright Glacier, the Olympus Range (Mt. Dido, Circe, and Hecules), then Lake Vanda and finally the Lower Wright Valley and the Goodspeed, Hart, Meserve, and Bartley Glaciers.
Synthetic Image looking East towards Lower
Wright Valley
GIF = 165 KBytes
JPEG = 25 KBytes
Caption: View east down the central Wright Valley, Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. The alpine glaciers feeding into this ice-free valley (one of a very few in Antarctica) are, from left to right, the Goodspeed, Hart, Meserve, and Bartley Glaciers, named after field assistants (graduate students) of Robert Nichols during his pioneering studies of the glacial history of these valleys during the International Geophysical Year and subsequent field seasons. This image clearly shows the classic U-shaped cross section of a glacially-eroded valley. Close inspection also shows that the valley wall is in fact compoundly U shaped, reflecting multiple episodes of glaciation. From his studies during the IGY, Troy Pewe first proposed that these valleys had experienced several episodes of glaciation; this view has been substantiated by many subsequent investigators, and the details have been further amplified by, among others, George Denton, a Professor at the University of Maine who was another of Nichols' assistants.