Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Mars Color Imager (MARCI) and Context Camera (CTX) Science Team



The Mars Color Imager (MARCI) began as a competitively-selected science investigation for the Mars Climate Orbiter (MCO), which was launched in December 1998 and was lost during its orbit insertion in September 1999. The MCO MARCI Wide Angle camera system was selected to be re-flown on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), which launched in August 2005 and began orbiting Mars in March 2006.


The MRO Context Camera (CTX) is a Facility Instrument, designed to provide context views of the martian surface to supplement data acquired by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) and the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM).

Science Team

The science team for the MRO MARCI and CTX includes the original MCO MARCI team, plus several new members approved by NASA in 2006:

Member Institution Research Role
Michael C. Malin Malin Space Science Systems, San Diego, California Principal Investigator, geology
James F. Bell III Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Co-Investigator, Mars mineralogy
Wendy M. Calvin University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada Co-Investigator, Mars composition
Bruce A. Cantor Malin Space Science Systems, San Diego, California Co-Investigator, Mars meteorology
R. Todd Clancy Space Science Institute, Boulder, Colorado Co-Investigator, Mars ozone and aerosols
Kenneth S. Edgett Malin Space Science Systems, San Diego, California Co-Investigator, Mars geology/geomorphology
Laurence J. Edwards NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California Co-Investigator, Mars photogrammetry
Robert M. Haberle NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California Co-Investigator, Mars meteorology
Philip B. James University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio Co-Investigator, Mars clouds, polar caps
Steven W. Lee Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Denver, Colorado Co-Investigator, Mars albedo, dust storms
Peter C. Thomas Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Co-Investigator, Mars windblown/variable features
Rebecca M. E. Williams Planetary Science Institute, Tucson, Arizona Participating Scientist, Geomorphology
Michael J. Wolff Space Science Institute, Boulder, Colorado Co-Investigator, Mars atmosphere


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