Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) News and Events
- November 2010
The MAHLI camera head was installed on the rover, Curiosity, and the Assembly, Test and Launch Operations (ATLO) team began using the camera in various testing procedures. On 16 November 2010, JPL released a feature article describing the MAHLI investigation and the camera's capabilities.
December 2008
NASA decided to delay MSL launch to 2011. Landing will occur in 2012.
- October 2008
The MSL MAHLI camera head was delivered to JPL. It underwent an outgassing test and then was put into storage until it is to be installed on the rover’s robotic arm turret. See the 24 October 2008 press release.
- September 2008
The MAHLI underwent launch vibration testing, thermal-vacuum testing, and instrument calibration and characterization tests. The MAHLI camera head Instrument Delivery Review was conducted on 23 September 2008.
- July 2008
The flight MAHLI lens mechanical assembly was delivered by Alliance Spacesystems, Inc. (ASI) to MSSS.
See the 21 July 2008 press release.
- February 2007
The Mastcam, MAHLI, MARDI Critical Design Review was held 21–23 February 2007.
- February 2006
The Mastcam, MAHLI, MARDI Preliminary Design Review was held 2–3 February 2006.
- December 2004
The Mastcam, MAHLI, and MARDI science investigations were selected for MSL by NASA on 14 December 2004.
- July 2004
The MAHLI science investigation proposal was submitted to NASA.
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